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The Spirit of the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry

The Freemasons of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of the Ancient & Sovereign Egyptian Rite of Mizraïm & Memphis conceive Freemasonry as an Order located outside space and time .

This unites all Initiates from all countries and all times, Brothers and Sisters of all conditions and origins, of all creeds and ways of thinking, who unite their efforts in the construction of the Ideal Temple of Truth and Justice.


The Freemasons of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of the Ancient and Sovereign Egyptian Rite of Mizraïm & Memphis believe that more than an Institution, Freemasonry is a Traditional method to access Knowledge and, through it, to the primordial freedom obtainable only thanks to the Reintegration into the "One."


The Masons of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian, believe that the fundamental search is that of the Truth which cannot be Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, or even Masonic ..., since it is none other than the Truth .


The Masons of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian, therefore reject the narrowness of the petrified point of view which touches a certain Western culture, and which places its origins in the baptismal fonts of the Christian era, with a deliberate contempt for its Greek, Egyptian, Middle Eastern sources, not to mention the Nordic ones, and those of the Far East.


The Masons of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian, believe that the search for Harmony in Knowledge, in Ritual behaviors, in Symbolism and in the rules of life, leads to a deeper Knowledge of the Initiatory sources.


Characteristics of the Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian.

The Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian is characterized of being:

  • Traditional

  • Symbolic

  • Initiatory

  • Esoteric

  • Deist.



With this term, the Freemasons of the Egyptian Rite within the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian want to underline the solidity of their bond with the "Masonic Tradition", a vehicle of the Primordial Tradition, a common source, a heritage made up of discoveries deriving from the millennial search for Knowledge by Humanity. The Masonic tradition is none other than the expression of the "Immutable Code" of the essential values of all past and future civilizations. This code is based on respect for the rights and dignity of the human being and on the independence of his spirit and the integrity of his body.


The denial of the values that shape our ethics would mean a certain regression, whatever the extent of technological or scientific progress. In the midst of the confusion that characterizes our time, the term Tradition has been altered and denatured, giving it a connotation that is sometimes indigent, other times conservative and "fundamentalist". We have to cure the distortion of language which often distorts the ideas that actually correspond to it.

Our reference to Tradition should not be confused with a "sterilizing position" or with a "obtuse conservatism", they are principles of ordinance and natural laws. Breaking with tradition means breaking with wisdom and with the universal principles of human consciousness.


Symbolic and Initiatory

The Operative Freemasonry practiced within the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian reaches us from the most remote times, ranging from the Builders of the Pyramids to those of the Cathedrals, passing through the Roman schools and medieval brotherhoods.


It was the vehicle of an initiatory technique before giving rise to Speculative Freemasonry. It creates a symbolic language in which the tools attributed to the degrees of Apprentice of the Art, Companion and Master Mason of the Art, are an example. This is to transform the rough Stone (the newly initiated brothers and sisters) into the carved Stone which takes its place in the construction of the Universal Temple.


The initiatory teaching is based on the will and effort that each person makes to carve his own stone. The symbol is a universal vehicle that allows overcoming the obstacles of languages and their confusion, and whose function is to suggest, being as it is, an open system for free thought.



In the Constitutions of the Rite of Memphis-Mizraïm (detailed after the Convent of Brussels) it is reported that Freemasonry of the Egyptian Rite must be considered as a transcendental work by all the Brothers and Sisters of the Rite. In our Rite there is this indication:

“You have two ears to hear the same sound, two eyes to perceive the same look, two hands to perform the same action”. Similarly "Masonic science is esoteric and exoteric - esotericism constitutes thought - exotericism is the action that follows it" .


However, even today, the concept of esotericism in many Masonic rites and obediences is often ignored, preferring the associative aspect to the ritual and therefore esoteric aspect; a spread of what is defined by many as the Freemasonism of this century.


It therefore seems necessary to define what "esoteric" means, which derives from the Greek "esotericon" - "reserved for the adepts", and which is the qualifier, the term used by the philosophers of the ancient schools to indicate that certain subjects were necessarily incomprehensible or difficult to interpret by uninitiated people and therefore only when we are initiated, can we work on them.



According to the definition of this term, the Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian  does not refer to any Revealed Deity, but to a Transcendental Whole .


The Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian works "To the glory of the Sublime Maker of All Worlds", also professes faith in human progress and postulates the probable existence of an intelligence operating in the 'universe.


The Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian is dogmatic and practices tolerance, as it is up to each Mason to forge their own beliefs, preserve or change them. Every Freemason is free from his/her convictions and opinions, provided that they do not try to impose them on others and that they do not belong to fundamentalist (fanatic) or intolerant tendencies.


The Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian considers the "Sublime Maker of all the Worlds" the "Principle of ordinance that can be evoked with a hundred different names" and that "human reason is unable to define what to deny".


The Rite practiced within the Masonic Order of the Traditional Egyptian Sanctuary of Ionian is a more spiritual and magical rite, since its purpose is not to feed the "false ego" through intellectual wholesale knowledge, or to include wealthy members, politicians and businessmen, but to restore the human soul and transform it into a spiritual soul in each Initiate for Others and with the Whole.


The soul has no gender. From the Triangle to the Council of the Egyptian Sanctuary, the work regimes can be male, female or mixed in certain circumstances.


Approved in the Brussels Convent of 1934. Ratified in 1958, 1982 and 1997.

©2021-2025 by Ancient & Sovereign Egyptian Rite of Mizraim & Memphis - Sovereign Grand Sanctuary of Ionian

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